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Glossary of terms for managing wholes

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testing questions - A set of questions used in Holistic Management to test whether an action takes people toward or way from their holistic goal.

Related pages: "Holistic Management testing questions"

tools - Everything that gives humans the ability -- which most organisms lack -- to alter the ecosystem in order to achieve predetermined goals. The tools recognized by Holistic Management are:

total rest - The prolonged lack of any physical disturbance (such as grazing, trampling, or fire) to land, soils, and plant or animal communities. Rest heals nonbrittle landscapes but damages and desertifies brittle land. Compare partial rest.

Related terms: rest, partial rest, overrest

Related pages: "How can grazing heal land?", "Brittle and nonbrittle landscapes"

transect - A sample area, usually in the form of a long, continuous strip. Land health monitoring is generally done along transects in order to get a representative sample while keeping work to a minimum.

Triple Bottom Line - Measuring corporate performance by profits, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. Conventional accounting ignores (and where possible externalizes) social and environmental costs, giving a false picture of "profit" when in fact humans are rapidly depleting the natural resource base on which we all depend. See economics.

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Suggestions for terms or definitions? Email us (opens web form).

Posted 23 April 2003