Summary: To determine what landscapes need in order to remain healthy, we need to consider an area's biological productivity as well as its degree of brittleness.
Jim Howell and his wife Daniela Ibarra-Howell run tours of holistically managed farms around the world. |
As I work and travel around the world, I constantly ask myself where I am on the brittleness scale. (Brittleness measures how much seasonal dryness an area experiences, and is independent of total rainfall.) I look at all the things Allan Savory always emphasizes to try and figure it out -- things like how plant material is breaking down, distance between perennial grass plants, amount of bare ground in areas that I know have rested for years. etc.
Over time I've realized that there are lots of different types of forests, grasslands, steppes and savannas, and I've struggled with where they all fit on the brittleness scale. It seemed to me like there were just too many different types of environments to fit on one linear ten point scale. Allan would tell me it doesn't matter exactly where you lie on the scale; what's important is to know if you lie toward the non-brittle end, in the middle somewhere, or at the high end. Knowing where you are is important since it tells us the responses we can expect as we apply the tools of grazing/recovery, animal impact, and rest. Nonetheless, even with this help from Allan, I still struggled, because I realized there were drastically different environments within each of those three ranges of brittleness. Through experience I am learning that the application of tools has to vary across these distinct environments, even though they lie at similar points on the brittleness scale.
Jim Howell
![]() Dormant season in Zimbabwe, a seasonally humid brittle environment. Grazed area at left separated from ungrazed area with a single strand electric wire. Jim Howell
![]() Same area during the growing season. Yearly rainfall averages 890 mm (35"). |
Joy Livingwell
![]() Arid brittle environment damaged by poor management. This area used to grow stirrup-high grass on 80-150 mm (4-6") annual rain. Destocked range, Nevada, U.S.A.
![]() Tall grass prairie in central Kansas, U.S.A., a high productivity, semi-brittle area where rainfall averages 740 mm (29 in.) and grass grows head-high. ![]() Nonbrittle taiga in Siberia. A short, cool growing season allows taiga regions to stay damp with precipitation of 300-500 mm (11-20"), most falling as snow. Much water runs off in spring before the soil surface thaws. A permafrost layer lingers year-round. ![]() Nonbrittle silver birch forest in Siberia. |
Non-brittle | Semi-brittle | Brittle | |
High annual production | Tropical rainforests | Subtropical and temperate tall-grass prairies | High-rainfall tropical savannas |
Temperate rainforests | Mid-rainfall tropical savannas | ||
Medium annual production | Mild temperate forests | Mild and cold temperate mid-grass prairies | Low-rainfall tropical savannas |
Cold temperate forests | Mild and cold temperate steppe grasslands and shrublands | ||
Low annual production | Subarctic coniferous forests | Tundra and alpine grasslands | True deserts -- tropical, mild, cold, arctic |
Jim Howell
![]() High rainfall tropical savanna, dormant season. Cattle strip grazing at 3000/ha (1200/ac.), moved every 1/2 to 1 hour. Foreground was grazed the previous day -- note excellent ground cover. Tomorrow's forage shows above herd's backs. Jim Howell
![]() Same at beginning of rainy season. Vigorous greenup after 25-130 mm (1-5") of rain. Bulk of previous year's grass is removed or on the ground. Zietsman farm in Karoi, Zimbabwe, 890 mm (35") rainfall high veld. Jim Howell
![]() High rainfall tropical savanna in the growing season. Left: grazed at extreme density for very short time through the dormant season. Right: grazed year round at low density. Fenceline contrast on the O'Neill ranch, Chiuhu, Zimbabwe. Jim Howell
![]() High plant diversity on medium rainfall tropical savanna, dormant season. Sandy Speedy farm, Vryburg, South Africa. Jim Howell
![]() Growing season on medium rainfall tropical savanna. 1000 cattle graze 10 ha (25-acre) paddocks for 1-day grazing periods. Keith Harvey manages this farm near Vryburg. S.A. |
To ensure plants are recovered and that there is new material to make litter with, recovery periods need to be even longer in the steppe country, up to several years in some cases. Also, just because a plant has gone through a growing season and grown some new material and produced a seedhead doesn't mean it's fully recovered. Until that plant looks as vigorous as a plant of the same species which has had one or more full growing seasons of recovery (and growing in the same soil type and aspect), it is only partially recovered.
Jim Howell
![]() Dormant period on low production, mild temperate steppe. High Lonesome ranch, Lordsburg, New Mexico. Jim Howell
![]() Cool season annuals growing in big tobosa grass (a native warm season perennial) in March after unusually abundant winter rain. Mild winter temperatures make cool season growth possible, but it is very erratic and unpredictable. High Lonesome. Jim Howell
![]() Cold steppe in western Colorado, U.S.A., a semi- to highly brittle area getting 350 mm (14") annual precipitation. Pasture grazed heavily in mid-June during peak growth, photographed in October. Decent summer rain produced only 130-150 mm (5-6") new growth. These plants are not recovered. Jim Howell
![]() Same as previous, but a paddock cattle didn't move onto until September. This is what fully recovered plants look like here in a pretty good year. Our place near Montrose, Colorado. |
In the steppes, the time required to fully recover between periods of severe grazing may be one to several years. In addition to looking at plant vigor to determine if the plant is fully recovered, we also need to look at amount of standing dead herbage to serve as a source of litter. When a plant with the current season's growth combined with the previous season's dead growth is grazed, the animal will tend to select the new season's leaves, and will push a lot of that older growth to the ground with its muzzle, in addition to its hooves. If the recovery period gets so long that the amount of accumulated older material becomes repulsive to the animal, then that plant is probably approaching the point of being overrested. The excessive material is not only a problem in terms of attracting animals to graze the plant, it is probably also becoming a liability to the plant itself, due to shading of growth points at the plant's base. Again, this takes a long time to develop in low production brittle environments, and only one growing season, or just part of a growing season, in high production environments.
So the animals eventually have to return, because overrest leads to a deteriorated environment here just as it does in the high rainfall, highly productive tropics. Stock densities have to be as high as we can realistically get them and grazing periods need to be as short as possible in order to achieve an even level of forage utilization and well-distributed animal impact. But focusing on creating high animal impact without planning for adequate recovery periods spells disaster in these environments. My experience is that it's initially far easier and more effective to create adequate recovery periods than to try and kill yourself and your animals creating high stock density. As forage volume improves and a source of litter starts to build, it then not only makes more sense to try and create more animal impact, but it's more possible to do because there will be something there to feed the animals. The bigger we can get our ranches, not necessarily as units of ownership but as units of management, and the bigger we can get our herds, the more effectively we'll be able to achieve both high levels of impact combined with adequately long recovery periods.
Planning for these long recovery periods in these low production brittle environments obviously has economic ramifications. I've got some ideas on that, but it'll have to wait for another time. In most cases, I do think it's still economically viable to plan for these long recovery periods, if that's what your monitoring and observations tell you may be needed.
Mediterranean environments have a condensed rainfall pattern like the tropics, but it comes in the cool season instead of the warm season. This makes these climates less productive than tropical areas. Lots of decay takes place during the rainy season due to the nearly perpetually moist soil surface, which is aided by cool temperatures that keep moisture from evaporating rapidly. In the tropics, very hot summer temperatures create much higher evaporation rates, so not as much decay takes at the soil surface or at the base of plants, unless it's an exceptionally wet year. For these reasons, Mediterranean areas typically display less productivity and less brittle characteristics than tropical areas with similar total rainfall.
Joy Livingwell
![]() Late spring in northern California, a medium-productivity Mediterranean climate on the edge of semi-brittle and brittle. Rainfall is 300-1800 mm (12-72"), averaging 850 mm (34"), with a 6-month rainless period. Continuous grazing favored annuals (brown hills); native perennials disappeared. Green meadow is planted perennial grass. |
In Mediterranean climates, only perennials stay green during the dry summers. This makes them vulnerable to overgrazing at a time when annuals are dead and therefore unaffected by grazing. Long grazing periods will weaken the perennials and allow annuals to take over, as has happened in places like California.
-- Jim Howell
© 2003
Jim Howell and his wife Daniela run tours of holistically managed farms and ranches around the world. They ranch outside Montrose, Colorado, U.S.A
Posted 6 March 2003
Managing Wholes is a project of the Soil Carbon Coalition